Apocalypse Serious Roleplay

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Roleplay Name: Charlie "Opie" Andrews.

Character Age: Thirty Two.

Do you have any motorcycle knowledge?: I do not know much about motorcycles themselves, but I know about motorcycle clubs. I watched all of Sons of Anarchy if that counts, that's where I also got the nickname from. However, if I learn about motorcycles by just RP'ing in the club, then that would be great, I would enjoy this type of crew.

Short Character Backstory: Charlie, being young when the war happened, lived in America, before his family moved to Ukraine just after he was born. Being a tough child if you wish to say, he was the typical drop out child who loved to try and break rules when he could. Always looking for ways to do criminal acts. In his later life, he got interested in motorcycles and soon started branching out, he soon found himself as a 'Prospect' in the club call "The Forgotten MC" in which he got into a lot of criminal acts. He now makes his worth to the club.

Why do you want to join?: I love RP'ing as a biker and being in motorcycle clubs. I love everything about them. The structure, the respect and rules. It's something that generally just looks badass in my eyes. I would love to take this opportunity in game to join this club, if I get the chance.

What can you offer?: I can offer my skill sets and my muscle. I am hard working and always try my best to provide my say as well. I want what's best for the club and nothing else. I may not be a high rank, but I'm damn sure you'll hopefully enjoy the things I do to make this club more intimidating or stronger. Trust me on that.



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